
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The State of the Union Blues...

I couldn’t watch the State of the Union address last night – watching a roomful of politicians is fascinating in the same way as a monkey playing with a loaded pistol is fascinating.  I just took a quick look but I especially like to watch John Boner’s face as he sits in grim silence behind Obama looking for all the world as if he’s thinking about a bathroom remodel of whether or not to get undercoat applied to his Mercedes.  Sucks to be you, John. The bitter and divisive partisanship at play in Washington and around the country in 2013 makes something like the State of the Union – traditionally a celebration of teeth-gritting cooperation between the parties – into a dangerous opportunity for public embarrassment a la Joe Wilson a couple of years ago.  I kept expecting to hear that Ted Nugent was making inappropriate gestures from the cheap seats.

But as I read the media bilge today attempting to make sense of it all, it sounds as if potentially humiliating moments were limited to some eye-rolling and nodding off, at least until the two official responses – first from the mainstream republicans and then from their bug-eyed knucklehead wing, the Tea Party, represented by Rand Paul, a man apparently suffering from a delusion which has him running for president in 2016.  He reminds me of the old saying; when the going gets weird, the hallucinating man is king, or something like that.

And that’s a good thing, all things considered.  There’s enough embarrassing behavior afoot in Washington already – we don’t need to make it worse through some bizarre spectacle shown on every broadcast television network and half a dozen cable channels watched by millions of citizens; some of them angry and fearful and some of them disillusioned and disgusted but very few of them in the mood to stomach the kind of shit that would be unacceptable in an 8th grade lunch room. 

For the president’s part, he’s got some explaining to do – not only to his base but to citizens all the way across the political continuum - about his use of drones and – perhaps more scary – the garbled doubletalk that attempts to justify their use.  If you boil it down they’re saying, “Trust us”, and just in case White House hubris is flowing like cheap champagne in the Super Bowl winners’ locker room I’ll get in line to tell Barack and his minions, that isn’t going to work, especially not on those of us who lived through Nixon and Reagan and the dangerous lunatic criminals they each employed in their chosen righteous cause.  Memo to Obama Team; no one trusts you, ex post facto, so you might want to dial back the drone program and re-read the constitution for a few hours.  

Specifically, just because the amped up 5-year olds in congress gave you and your predecessors the right to kick ass and take names all over the planet, wherever your fiery wrath takes you, you might want to check with the rest of the world and take their temperature about it.  Last I heard there were lots of dead people and collateral damage and if you keep playing this mind-numbing game of “Where’s Waldo” with Al Qaeda big shots in the desert it will probably pay to get slightly better intelligence and wait until they go off for a little alone time before you start tossing Hellfire missiles around.  Nothing like dead relatives to give folks more reason to hate us.  Plus if the policy is to hunt them down where they live, it’s only a matter of time until there are drones over Munich and Paris and Virginia Beach. 

And while we’re on the subject of things that aren’t particularly progressive, why do your federal law enforcement geeks continue to kick down the doors of medical marijuana dispensaries, especially those operating according to state laws?  There are lots of real treacherous criminals wandering around Wall Street and K Street and other "respectable" neighborhoods where there is no chance of getting a contact high and where you might dispense some actual justice through the brown-shoed jarheads running the department.  Are these guys all ex-jocks still frustrated that the cool stoner kids took hot girls to the prom or what?  How can you possibly justify this inordinate attention to pot other than using a very strict and thought-free reading of the law of the land.  Anyone who knows anything knows that marijuana and heroin are not remotely in the same class of substance abuse and to continue to pretend otherwise is to further degrade your credibility, something local police departments – to their credit – figured out 10 years ago.  Even if the red-eyed guy standing in line doesn’t really have chronic back pain and just wants to get a buzz, who really gives a shit other than perhaps his mother and father?  On the other hand, the hyperventilating and crazy son of a bitch down the hall who’s been doing crystal all day and now decides he needs to take his 9MM down to 7-11 so he can get some beer and calm down – well we all know that’s a different story.  Go get him and leave the pot heads alone. 

Finally, for Christ’s sake, stop deporting people for a month or so.  I mean, what’s the end game here?  Do you really think that you can get them all out, a la Mitt Romney?  If not then you are discriminating by definition and letting pointy-headed bureaucrats run amok, shipping brown people over the border where they land flat in the middle of a drug war that makes East Oakland look like a pillow fight.  What’s the point?  What are you trying to prove – what a tough guy you are?  Let Rick Perry pretend to be a tough guy.  You’re from Chicago – you’re supposed to be cool like that.  Just stop it unless you really think it’s good for the country to ship the padre de familia back to Mexico, leaving his wife and kids in some hell-hole apartment to eat beans and tortillas and wait for the landlord to come and throw them into the street.  Jesus…

Now as to the republicans…(to be continued).

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