
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

(For some reason if you Google Barking Labrador you get a bunch of dog training sites - Duh...- and one direct link to this blog. But it is a post from June 2011 and somewhat out of date. If you are telling any of your friends about the blog, please direct them via the full URL - http://www.barkinglabrador.blogspot.com/. Thanks)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

'I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.' HST

It was hilarious yesterday to watch John Boner walking around capitol hill with his pink tie between his legs as he struggled to control the unruly tea party empowered portion of his caucus.  The fact is, he couldn’t control them, and was left to bang on the podium like Nakita Khrushchev, spittle flying, and looking like his head was going to explode.   Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.   And now the guys with the big shoes and squeaking noses have piled out of the little clown car and are running around raising hell in all three rings of the circus, all the while making about as much sense as Harpo Marx. 
I'm not sure why these donkeys voting against raising the debt ceiling fail to realize it is to make sure there is enough to pay back money that's ALREADY SPENT!!!  It's not adding any new spending.   So sure, tear the mutha down, throw orphans into the streets, make people pay for everything on their own – old, unemployed, sick – no matter.  Laissez faire capitalism in action; Ayn Rand would be proud.  But that’s really not what this is about.   It is the single most maddening thing about the whole farce.  The constitutional amendment to balance the budget really is not achievable – not any time soon…But the newbies elected on the tremendous rage and fear and uncertainty rampant in the country last year have truly made government the enemy.  They seem to be 6 degrees of separation from Timothy McVeigh in their contempt for the government of the last 60 years.   Throw in a healthy dose of racism to go with the fear and you’re left with capitol hill turning into an incredibly toxic waste dump.  As a matter of fact, I think I saw Michelle Bachman’s hair coming out in clumps.  Haven’t you ever noticed that Mitch McConnell’s face looks like it’s melting?
When you look at Boner and the “leaders” of the republican party over the last few days, you can definitely see the fear in their eyes as they come to grips with the fact that most of the clattering rabble are so far outside the political mainstream that they have become an enormous liability, long term, as well as an impediment to governing.  Even if you think that the status quo sucks and like the idea of farting during the sermon, nobody wants to end up with a government like Italy.  The tea party has, in fact, become a de facto third party within the confines of the republican camp.  When your party leader sets up an important bill for a vote and 10% of the ostensible party members vote against it to make a point, the thing is spinning out of control and what may be a perfectly sincere goal becomes lost in debilitating disfunction and chaos. 
I am pissed off that the single-minded badgering has apparently resulted in a deficit reduction plan that will continue the current tax structure – the Bush tax cuts that cost almost 2 trillion dollars and resulted in no job or income growth for the vast majority of Americans since they were enacted almost 10 years ago and are a huge reason why there is a budget deficit in the first place -this level of subtlety and historical perspective seems to have escaped the chanting horde.  But surely Harry Reid and Pelosi and the democrats remember all too well and they have pissed away a chance to set that up for debate again in the clear light of day and instead have surrendered faster than the French in 1940. 
Once again I am struck by the Joan of Arc parallel – the semi-delusional leader(s), obsessed by a single idea to the exclusion of all others and in the face of all evidence that's available to point out that speaking in tongues can be misconstrued and lead to a somewhat uncomfortable outcome.  In that sense what’s happening to Boner and the rest of the clowns who had their grand strategy blow up in their faces is fun to watch.  Polls continue to show that whatever the ultimate outcome of this particular pointless dust up, independent voters are watching carefully and are more interested in arriving at a compromise that accomplishes the goal of raising the debt ceiling, calming the financial markets and letting us get on with trying to support a half-crippled and staggering economy than in keeping score of who is accumulating the most political points.  Over two-thirds of those surveyed come down on the side of, “Hey, quit fucking around and get something done!”  A year from now all of the tea party sturm und drang may be best remembered mostly for boosting Obama to a second term.   Maybe that's what the crafty devil had that in mind all along when he threw up his hands the other day and said, "Whatever...you assholes figure it out." 
And speaking of 2012, Rick “Hey, I might run after all” Perry is in the news today for stating very clearly that - while he thinks those kooks and kikes in New York can let homos marry if they really want to - for now – he favors a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.  I thought I heard him say that he changed his mind after god came to him in a fever dream while he was jerking off to the fall fashion issue of GQ and told him that, unlike every other right that the republicans want to defer to the states, gay marriage – or polygamy for that matter – is just not OK and he should be agin it.  Plus his wife thinks it’s gross.  He is expected to announce his decision whether or not to run for president around labor day after consulting with some of his senior advisers, including the bible thumping creationist he recently appointed to head the Texas board of education, the guys that just abandoned Newt Gingrich and the ghost of Jimmy Swaggart. 

Stay tuned...

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