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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is Herman Cain the new #1...?

As the drama queens in congress once again strain credulity with a manufactured crisis and tedious hyper-partisan conflict and Faux News continues to shill for high income welfare, a $3.00 an hour minimum wage and Obama's ultimate failure, leading republican presidential candidate Rick "What did I say wrong" Perry suddenly finds himself losing conservative support faster than hot air out of an overstretched balloon, like the intellectually taxed gas-bag that he is.  Even his prayerful and exclusive connection to the lord himself may not be enough to save him after he not only shot himself in the foot in the last debate; he re-loaded his trusty sidearm and squeezed off a few more rounds just to be sure. 

 His good-ole-boy shtick is no longer charming and endearing – it is evidence of how dense he really is, making even the equally dense tea party rabble uneasy and pondering esoteric ideas like electability.  When even Bitch-Queen Ann Coulter is piling on you for coming across like your dim-witted cousin who usually sleeps in the barn, you’ve got a problem that maybe even Turd Blossom Karl Rove couldn’t overcome.   When he announced he was running I said the nomination was his to lose and it looks like that just what he’s going to do. 
The part that is annoying is not that he’s proving to be a dumb-ass bumpkin and losing supporters; he was a demonstrably dumb-ass bumpkin when he threw his spurs in the ring.  No, it’s the reason people are backing away from him that bugs me.  It’s not because he ran a pay-to-play political bordello in Texas that’s bothering the fired up republican faithful.  It’s not his willingness to give the oil and gas industry a sleeve job whenever they snap their fingers – hell, that’s a time honored Texas tradition perfected by the notorious Bush family cabal and treated with reverence by many of the Texas electorate. Borderline criminal duplicity also is, I believe, a requirement for full on membership in the republican party elite.  No, his people are getting pissed because he is in favor of letting children of immigrants qualify for financial aid and in-state tuition.  Michele Bachman’s head about exploded talking about his anti-conservative position that it is sensible for girls to get the HPV vaccination. The anti-government dimwits’ angry murmurs were loud and clear, insisting that the vaccination will lead to rampant promiscuity and general whorishness.  And Mitt “Doesn’t my hair look good” Romney continues to body slam him for his ridiculous take on social security, a stupid notion exacerbated by his equally stupid characterization of it as a ponzi scheme. 
Speaking of Michele “I’m naked under this coat” Bachman, it was hilarious listening to her go on and on about the sadly tedious story of Solyndra, the now defunct solar energy company that Obama visited and proclaimed a shining example of green technology.  Of course, they bet on the come and lost and so went bankrupt faster than you can say Lehman Brothers.  But fundamentally he wasn’t wrong – just happened to pick a bad example – plenty of green technology companies are doing well and the best is yet to come – clearly. 

But she bleats and blabbers about Solyndra as if it were the personification of everything evil about Obama simply because they took stimulus money and subsequently failed.  Maybe she prefers those companies who caused the fucking mess in the first place, took stimulus / bail-out money anyway, gave out obscene bonuses, played fast and loose with the money by lending it to the wives of executives for imaginary shell companies, who routinely outright bribe members of the impotent SEC and lie every time they open their mouths, like, say, Goldman Sachs.  Of course she also was fine with stimulus money being spent in her own district in Minnesota – just not for anything as scientifically complex as high tech solar panels.  And nothing that Obama was promoting.
Prior to the republican debates, interviews of the audience members are typically done to try to get a feel for the vibe in the room and a bigger bunch of dill weeds I have never seen assembled in one place: God fearing, gay hating, anti-science, anti-government, anti-immigrant Obama haters who seem to believe sick people should be allowed to just die if it costs them one god damned dime to keep them alive and who cheer Texas’ relentless stream of executions. They seem to have the collective IQ of a school of shrimp. 
Now as the duplicitous John Boner and his side kick, Eric Cantor, make the incoherent case for additional cuts before passing a budget with disaster relief and the republicans on the so-called Super Committee have halted negotiations in their tracks by saying new taxes or letting tax cuts expire or anything that hints at taxes has no chance of approval with them, the threat of the automatic across the board cuts looms with defense spending at the forefront.  Defense secretary Leon Panetta says such cuts would be disastrous so me thinks the recalcitrant elephants may find themselves hoisted on their own petard and struggling to explain how they abandon citizens whose homes have been damaged or destroyed and undermine our brave service personnel by stubbornly continuing to slavishly serve the interests of the wealthiest among us – some of whom are them.  I think Obama may have had this in mind when he signed off on what looked like a very questionable deal during the summer.   I can’t wait to hear the explanation.  Maybe they can get Rick “What’d I say wrong?” Perry to do the “splainin’.

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