
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mr. Boner...that god damned dog is barking again...

The four head dwarves of the republican party – Sleepy (McConnell), Doc (Cantor), Dopey (John Boner) and Smiley (Kyl) - in an unprecedented act of sticking their noses where they don’t belong, sent a letter to Ben Bernanke today telling him that, in their opinion it would be best if the Fed took no action to help the economy and that further stimulus activities would piss them off no end.   Since these same four dick-heads have been publicly saying that they would do everything in their power to see to it that Obama is not re-elected, I believe this to be treason and all four of them should be arrested post haste and sent to live in downtown Gary, Indiana on $1,200 in Social Security income and $400 in food stamps.   See how many absurdly inappropriate pink ties you can buy then, Boner. 
This particular outrage is only the latest in a whole series of surreal and nightmarish political tableaus plastered all over the media in the last two weeks while I have been peacefully chilling on the West side of Kauai – huge props to Kekaha kine.   Hanging out there watching the surf it’s easy to forgot that there is a systematic effort underway to deceive the woefully uninformed average American voter into thinking that Obama is the enemy of their best interests and that the budding republican theocracy has the answer to all of their problems.  
 Rick Perry, good book under one arm and executioners switch in hand, suddenly is Israel’s best friend and is harping on Obama for “betraying” them for trying to be even handed with the Palestinians – whose fate only stands in for the entire newly restive Arab world.  Our heretofore utterly ineffective and frankly disingenuous policy having led nowhere, Obama is being vilified by the new soldiers of Abraham who have suddenly seemed to realize they can’t win an election without Jewish votes and are tripping over each to ingratiate themselves with idiotic foreign policy positions pandering to Jews and other old testament believers who covet Jerusalem as much as any 13th century crusader.  Romney,  Rick “Bomb Iran tomorrow” Santorum – everyone but Ron Paul – have weighed in, acting like they are dying to get to the front of the line with the Sword of Truth held high to smite the filthy heathen terrorists and end up sounding like a bunch of ignorant, patronizing clowns.
Meanwhile Michele Bachman has been abandoned by old republican hand, Ed Rollins, who claimed ill health or family issues or some other transparently trumped-up excuse but who really came to realize -her victory in the Iowa straw poll notwithstanding - she has absolutely no chance of even finishing second.  With her unsettling combination of tea party support, Dominionism, theocratic leanings and anti-science posturing, she drives clear thinking independent voters running for cover.  A campaign picture released yesterday shows her as she wanders in a daze through hanging sides of beef in a meat factory, a strangely fitting metaphor for her candidacy to date.   Tonight’s third republican debate may very well go a long way towards further winnowing the field, or at least establishing with certainty who will be in the race to the finish line and who will be sitting in the back row lobbing Pee Wee Herman-like “that’s what you are; what am I?” bombs and sinking into obscurity.
Putative front runner Rick “We killed another one last night” Perry is finding it a little harder to run in his Tony Lama’s than he thought and is getting bludgeoned from all sides by his fellow republicans – and rightfully so – for his idiotic positions on everything from social security and evolution to who’s hotter – Ginger or Maryanne.   Now he’s being advised to “tighten up his message”, a tacit verification of his continuing incoherence as he crows about his miraculous job creation in Texas, never mentioning that they’re mostly minimum wage and worse.
While the merry band of knuckleheads preps for tonight’s debate, their congressional leaders plus leading economic genius and all around poster boy Paul Ryan have taken the Faux News talking point – class warfare – and run with it, insisting ad nauseum that every Obama initiative is “job killing” and every attempt to close tax loop holes and re-set a reasonable tax rate for people making over a million dollars per year is class warfare and, oh, by the way, also “job killing”.   And in their latest treacherous move, they are busy tying the provision of disaster aid to additional spending cuts, thereby denying help to average people whose lives are upside down while further sticking it to the poor and those unfortunate enough to live in the path of a hurricane, solidifying their position as elitist money worshiping sluts devoted to serving the gentry and giving the finger to the rest of us.   
And this barely scratches the surface…more to come tomorrow.

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