
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Devil with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress...

In the most recent sign of the apocalypse, Larry Flint has offered big bucks to Casey Anthony to pose nude in Hustler Magazine, and I don’t think you’ll find a better snapshot of 21st century America than that – a semi-attractive white trash accused baby killer as masturbatory fantasy.   All you’d need to do would be to put her in swastika panties and the deranged image would be complete.
Speaking of which, Ann Coulter, bitch-queen republican icon and pin-up girl for hunting lodges and militia headquarters across America, has accepted a seat on the board of GOProud, a gay republican organization, in a somewhat disorienting development that can only be explained by her overall fashion sense and fabulous pumps.  (That doesn't explain the inclusion on the same board of anti-tax crusader and tea party hero, Grover Norquist - as far as we know, that remains a mystery.)   Ann was last seen whining about how liberals were, not only godless communist terrorist appeasers, but mean and disrespectful as well, a perfect example of the standard republican strategy of lying, dissembling and twisting the truth shamelessly and brazenly in an attempt to get the media to report it, whereby for a significant portion of the population it turns into the truth.   What’s really kind of satisfying is her sniveling that Karl Rove can’t go out in public without people shouting nasty things at him, an entirely suitable fate for our favorite turd blossom and what he should take to be an ominous preview of his doomed afterlife.
Poor George Bush had to cancel an appearance in Europe because the population there hates the dim-witted bastard and promised to throw stones at him if he dared appear in public.  I’m sure this was a shock to George but I am also quite certain that he is surprised that his shoes are supposed to go on specific feet.   Ann, on the other hand is essentially a well spoken media whore who finds irresistible the opportunity to say something outrageous and hostile while crossing and uncrossing her legs, assuming with some accuracy that most simpletons interviewing her will be mesmerized and not really give a shit what kind of toxic, foul screed she is unleashing.  So many of her fellow republicans are sexually repressed closet queens, bed-wetters and prostitute chasers who try to spin being found in cheap motels by saying they were making sure that the rooms all had Gideon’s bibles, that flaunting her trailer park pheromones has made her filthy rich.  She somehow constitutes a sizable portion of the republican intelligencia, a situation as disconcerting as it is funny. 
Meanwhile in other news, temporary republican front runner, Mitt “I’m a regular guy” Romney, probably dealt his floundering campaign a death blow in Iowa when – clearly flummoxed – he attempted to disarm a heckler by stating forcefully that, “Hey, corporations are people too, you know…”, causing more of the stale air to squirt out of his presidential balloon and moving him ever more quickly towards irrelevancy.   Sadly for Mitt, lots of voters are likely to take his inadvertent advice- “If you don’t like my answers, vote for someone else.”  In spite of the staunch republican resistance to any attempt to get the ruling class to contribute more to the national well being – what Boner calls “the job creators” – I don’t think you’re going to get much traction with independent voters defending corporations.  Taxes might be a dirty word and using it to describe even the most carefully thought out and benign revenue increase has proven to be a winning strategy but even the dullest among us don’t have much sympathy for corporations as people. 
And if the democrats could somehow cut through the sludge and clamor of the cheerleaders on the right, they could make a case for increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans as part of a broad solution to whatever daunting problem the deficit presents.  Money Magazine published an article today pointing out that increasing taxes on individuals with adjusted gross incomes over $200,000 a year would affect 3% of Americans who earn 26% of total national income and would produce 750 billion dollars in extra revenue to throw at the deficit.   But this tiny minority has somehow convinced the average Joe that raising their taxes is an affront to him as an American and fighting against that is more in his best interest than trying to solve unemployment and shitty wages, unaffordable health care and education for his kids that’s obsessed with test scores rather than learning.  This borders on mystical sleight of hand.  It is easier to explain crop circles.  And even though polls show that well over 60% of voters surveyed hold the sensible view that there needs to be some additional revenue collected in order to solve the problem, the ruling class has kept the public debate on cutting “waste and fraud and inefficiency” and off the eminently reasonable compromise Obama proposed before getting shouted down by the rabble.   It is hard to understand; not as hard to understand as Ann Coulter as a gay icon, but close.

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