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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random thoughts on the Obama bus tour through the corn...

Unless something really weird happens, Perry is going to win the nomination, despite the hours of tedious jabber to which we're doomed between now and then by the professional pundit class.  I really think the end-of-days zealotry will be his undoing though.  It isn't going to get him much of the democratic vote and he is going to turn off independents with it as well.  All Obama needs is just a little bit more of a "fuck you idiots" attitude to prove he's nobody's whipping boy and unemployment at about 7.5% and he's in.  He has to do something to get people back to work so they have money to spend on that robot toaster / GPS unit.  The Chinese are flooding the country with cheap consumer goods so all he has to do is put some money in people's pocket to buy them so they have that warm consumer glow and all the nazi talk about the deficit will be so much background noise.  I'd lay it right out; are you more worried about leaving a debt to your great grandchildren or being able to feed your current children?  Pretty simple really - he needs to take the debt away as an issue.  First he needs to fire the dumb asses who've been advising him and get some fire breathers - he has to get that this isn't a negotiation, since the other side has no interest in negotiating.  Fuck that...and if he proposes solutions that get people employed and increase the debt because the republicans won't tax their hedge fund manager, put that on them and see who the public sides with.  The only way to mess this up is to be a pussy about it - forget about getting re-elected and just tell the truth. 

Yesterday he was able to mix it up with one of the leading tea party clowns in Iowa when the guy jumped up at a small town-hall meeting and sniveled that Joe Biden called him a terrorist and that wasn’t nice.  What a load of crap that is.  Biden only said what many people were thinking; that the tea party was holding the country hostage over the fake issue of raising the debt ceiling and, in their zeal were only too happy to sacrifice innocents in order to get what they want.  Kinda like a terrorist. Obama acknowledged that the name calling and fiery rhetoric was over the top and counterproductive and then, ironically, this goof goes to the media afterwards and insists Obama’s a socialist.  If he’s the founder of the tea party wing in Iowa that comment goes a long way to define who these people are and what they’re about.
Obama also has to stop saying “balanced approach” – he sounds like a weeny.  When all eight of the candidates on stage in Iowa raised their hands saying they would never accept a deficit deal that had ten dollars of cuts for every dollar of revenue, it became clear that trying to make sense of this in any logical way was a waste of time. Polls continue to show that, even if those eight drones think that way, a majority of the country, including republicans, feel differently.  Make them do the math – in order to cut to the extent they are proposing with no increase in revenue what would the federal budget look like?  How many schools would close?  How many people would die from preventable illness or hunger? The republicans were all aghast about the fairy tale “death panels” but their policies would make those seniors not being killed off in the doctors’ offices slowly starve to death in their own homes.  Nice choice…
The constant harrange against Obama and clear intent and hope for him to fail is as close to treason as is possible without actually calling for a coup.  The contest to see who can say the most outrageous and provocative things about him and the government in general while claiming to be inspired by the bible accelerated today, with Rick “dang, this is fun” Perry firing away about Fed Chairman Bernanke committing treason by using monetary policy to goose the economy, never mind that he was appointed by Bush – that’s an Obama conspiracy too.  Meanwhile Ron Paul was spewing some incoherent gibberish about the IRS using armed force to take money from normal god-fearing folks to pay for liberals’ abortions and Bachman was happily courting the lunatic fringe gun nuts like Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, who seriously thinks that Obama’s health care program will lead to compilation of data bases that will later be used to confiscate guns.  I know – it sounds made up.  WTF doesn’t begin to cover it. 
On a completely unrelated topic; today, in a preposterous and telling lawsuit filing that is a clear indictment of both the ruling class and their lawyers, investors who lost their money in Bernie Madoff’s greed lubricated ponzi extravaganza insisted that they should not only be able to recover the money they invested, but also the fake profits from the fake hedge funds made up of fake companies that Bernie invented.  As evidence of their being deserving of this level of court ordered largess, they offered up the fake statements from the fake accounts showing the incredible 300% fake profits that they now feel is due to them.  The judge in the case reportedly responded by saying, “What the fuck?!?!?” and dismissing the case.  The investors promise to appeal.

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