
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It alright John, I'm only dancing...

John Boner has decided that it is appropriate for the American tax payer to pay a private law firm 1.5 million dollars to defend the Defense of Marriage Act since Attorney General Eric Holder – and many other individuals and jurisdictions across the country – have decided it is fundamentally unconstitutional and therefore not worthy of defending.   

Unfortunately Nancy Pelosi and some of her democratic colleagues missed the point entirely, railing about the cost which, in the big picture, is a rounding error.  Nancy – try to stay off the prescription drugs for a few days and stop making a fool of yourself and your party.  Get a clue… The point isn’t that Boner and his clown posse are spending a million and a half hiring Washington hired guns who may or may not be worth it.  No, the problem is that the republican party, a party rife with perverts, closet queens and serial adulterers like Newt Gingrich, gets itself into a biblically inspired lather over gay citizens getting married.  As cultural warriors learned in California, this is really a non-starter, since the basic presumption of the DOMA is that gay marriage harms someone and, hard as they try, harried Christian soldiers can’t prove anything like that. 

But since the obstructionist republican congress has seen fit to leave an unprecedented number of judicial vacancies empty, who knows how this may end up being litigated.  We could have some conservative judge hearing arguments wearing nothing but a thong under his robe while muttering old testament verses and doodling penises on his desk blotter.   But we can’t worry about that now.  If it ever gets to the supreme court and is argued logically and covered fairly by the press, it will be very interesting indeed to see if The Nine can resist their activist conservative inclinations and send this ridiculous sideshow out of town once and for all. 

But that doesn’t mean Boner is any less ridiculous for obsessing over something like gay marriage at a time when we have far more serious issues to deal with and therein lies the problem in our little biosphere of a capital; Boner and his troops have been in election mode for at least six months now, with the election only just now a year away.  They are pissing away an opportunity – created by the appointment and task of the “super congress” – to work on real solutions to real problems for a majority of people in the country and instead chose to spend time, energy and - sure - money on something that frankly most of the country is over.  Gays are mainstream and their being allowed to marry – for better or worse – is inevitable.  But since it is a divisive social issue sure to rile up the super-partisan knuckle-draggers who form the republican base, lets worry it like a dog, (a Labrador?), with a chew toy so maybe no one will notice us changing the voting laws in 20 or 30 states to systematically disenfranchise voters who smell like democrats. 

This under the covers move by former Faux News blowhard and quasi-Hitler Youth John Kasich and anti-middle class autocrat and union busting Wisconsin governor, Scott Walker stood to be the stealthiest anti-democratic move in years until it started getting media coverage and now Obama’s keystone cops justice department is investigating, which should at least give the bastards pause.  Walker is a Reagan disciple and another true believer who is also anti-choice, against giving prisoners time off their sentences for good behavior and in favor of teaching abstinence as the favored birth control method  - oh, and cutting government spending.   These two and a number of other newly minted tea party heroes have systematically moved to change voting laws and procedures to make it more difficult for students and other non-republican white bread patriots to vote next year in a blatant attempt at denying the vote to political enemies – you know; sorta like Idi Amin or Stalin...or even George Wallace before he went and got himself shot and turned into some kind of weird folk hero.   Let’s hope dragging the weasels into the light of day and maybe into court will stop them before they steal the vote.

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