
This blog is political satire and the opinion of one lonely dog at the back fence. Nothing written in this blog is to be taken seriously until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time you may consider taking the previous days' blog seriously if you choose, however careful consideration should be given to this decision as it is, after all, serious.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Thoughts on the Knuckleheads of the Round Table...

Anita Perry, wife of Rick “What the hell happened?” Perry, has been campaigning in South Carolina and she gave a speech today right out of a fever dream in which she said the following: 

She compared her husband's decision to run to seeing a "burning bush," referencing the Old Testament story of Moses seeing a sign from God. "He felt like he needed to see the burning bush," she said. "I said, good, let me tell you something: 'You may not be seeing that burning bush but there are people seeing that burning bush for you.'" 

This incomprehensible attempt at something deep and metaphorical was, astonishingly, met with knowing nods and murmurs of agreement from the confused southern Baptist audience, who quickly swept her away to the church basement for some cookies and bourbon, and stands as a successful day on the campaign trail for Rick lately. Today – after cheaply flaunting their christianity in a craven attempt to attract even the most delusional evangelical fringe – they are suddenly whining about being victimized and attacked because of their faith -in fact, another naked grab for the sympathy vote and a clear sign of how desperate they are. 

 During the debate at Dartmouth the other night, where the candidates sat around a circular table and shared their meager knowledge of economics, Rick looked like a freshman at his first pledge dance, a semi-panicked smile on his face as he sat quietly and tried his best to figure out what the others were talking about.  As Newt Gingrich sent out one blustery blast of overheated rhetoric after another, Rick could be seen contemplating Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan and counting on his fingers. 

After witnessing this mind-bending coffee klatch, it is no wonder that most republicans are still trying – unsuccessfully – to pull the “none-of-the-above” lever and get somebody else to run.  It’s like bad cable TV, when the programs on channel after channel are ridiculous or pointless or both and you find yourself feverishly flipping through all 500 in the vain hope that you’ll finally find something worth watching. 

While this absurd spectacle is going on there continue to be very important developments happening as the republican congressional leadership stealthily and relentlessly works to undermine 30 years of progress in everything from women’s rights to environmental protection - working to restrict the ability to vote and to roll back the rights of labor unions, all with the unwitting assistance of many in the national media who can’t seem to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.  The amount of breathless commentary and theatrical outrage over the Wall Street protests is a shameful indicator of the complicity of media and political types who should know better.  It is essentially making the victims of the wholesale greed-a-thon that landed the country in such a profound mess into the enemy somehow, and causing us to take our eye off the ball as John Boner and his band of thieves work tirelessly to advance the cause of the very greed-heads who tossed gasoline on the fire that was the housing bubble. 

If the people who are supposed to cover the financial markets in the press had done their jobs instead of genuflecting every time they went down on the trading floor there might not need to be Occupy Wall Street protests – bottom line.  Beady eyed speed freaks like Jim Cramer spent 10 years screaming “Buy, Buy, Buy” at the top of their lungs and never bothered to pull the curtain back and potentially spoil the gangbang going on in the back room.

There are moments of comedy, however, everyday if you just let yourself see them.  Gingrich’s bugged eyed rant about the filthy unwashed Occupy Wall Street masses who don’t care enough about anything to pick up their Slurpy cups was a good example.  Rush Blowhard lashed out with a sputtering diatribe yesterday also that was over the top, even for him, characterizing the protestors as un-American liberal tools of organized labor and pot smoking shiftless class warriors who want to kill the unborn…or some similarly noxious bilge. The guy is funny; he really is.  The problem is that tea party knuckle draggers take him seriously and there are obviously plenty of those around. 

And of course, in keeping with the opening theme of this post, Rick Perry’s garbled attempt to explain his emphatic non-repudiation of Robert “Hey, Mormons might be from outer space” Jefferrs is worth repeated viewings, if only as a way to symbolically wave good bye to one of the previously appointed “savior of the week” nominees and remind ourselves that the height of idiocy is not limited to marching through downtown Detroit in a Shriner’s parade playing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah on a kazoo…

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